We're a group of people based in New York with a common love for Asturias and everything Asturian. Our "Centro Asturiano" exists for the sole purpose of maintaining our heritage alive and pass it to future generations.


    ¡Puxa Asturies!



    Benefits of being a member:

    - Support our culture.

    - Create a network.

    - Discounts to events and shops.

    and much more...






Breaking News




    According to our bylaws, elections are held every two years to elect the Board of Directors of our Center. In February we have to elect our president and his team for the biennium 2017-2019


Next Event


    Cena de San Jose y Concierto de Gaitas


    It is our pleasure to invite you to our Cena de San Jose and Concierto de Gaitas. It will take place on Saturday, March 18th, 2017.






The Centro Asturiano wants to thank the following Corporate Members for their support: